The Bordado de Castelo Branco is a unique handcrafted product with a strong and singular image easily identifiable within the set of Portuguese embroideries. It is, in essence, a rich silk embroidery, where the Castelo Branco stitch predominates (wide stitch or, as it was formerly known, slack embroidery) and underlined by a very characteristic decorative grammar.
It is considered, for the effect of certification, the District of Castelo Branco as the geographical area of production of the Bordado de Castelo Branco.
This delimitation is based on the occurrence of historical quilts throughout this territory, as well as the existence, in several of its municipalities, of workshops and embroiderers who have ensured and continue to ensure its production.
Thus, the embroidery of Castelo Branco as a cultural good of patrimonial value and identity, is linked to this territory of origin/diffusion, and the embroidery made outside this geographical area cannot be identified as Bordado de Castelo Branco nor be the target of a certification process using this geographical indication.